Wednesday 10 December 2008

Happy 60th Birthday Human Rights Declaration

December 10 is notable for being the anniversary of one of the major ways in which humanity demonstrated it had humanity: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 1948 (the year of my birth) the fledgling United Nations justified its existence by adopting the Declaration, putting people at the forefront of world concern. Then, as now, it was not universally implemented (as evidenced by Human Rights Watch) and that is shameful, however, it remains our aspiration and informs the goals and work of human rights activists everywhere.

The document is a great read and I recommend it to anyone who hasn't yet read it. In a complex world, where it's often difficult to decide which is the side of 'right', it's useful to have a guide to underpin thinking. If the rights in this document are being breached, the perpetrator is NOT right, no matter how just the cause; simple!

Australia played a crucial and leading role in the birth of the Declaration, under the Chifley government and through the passionate commitment of Doc Evatt, so we have history and responsibility in the continuing fight to see human rights for everyone a reality. The Human Rights Law Recource Centre has some ideas on how Australia can participate.

On a personal level, we can all contribute by participating in actions promoting human rights. Not everyone can get into the trenches but most can join a group, donate even a small amount to relevant work/activities and/or join email, letter or phone campaigns (see some links for action groups in the 'links' section on this page).

There's no better feeling than knowing you're doing something and it's never been easier to 'stand up and be counted'.

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